Buying The Right CBD Products for Horses
- By asoke
- December 14, 2022
CBD, or cannabidiol, is the non-psychoactive cannabinoid found in marijuana and hemp. Though it’s been called a “miracle compound,” it’s difficult to find quality CBD products marketed to horses because of their many different compounds. CBD is generally absorbed through the skin but needs some lipids (fat) to work correctly in horses. Many CBD for horses manufacturers also use different ratios of THC and CBD, which can cause more unwanted effects than desired. For example, if the ratio of THC to CBD is too high, the horse could feel wobbly or drunk.
When purchasing CBD products, it’s essential to look at the concentrations of each cannabinoid. There are over 100 cannabinoids in cannabis, and marijuana contains higher amounts of THC than hemp. When looking for a product with more CBD than THC, you want to ensure the THC is decarboxylated, so it’s not psychoactive. It’s also good to research the manufacturer and ask them questions about the plant used and their process regarding CBD extraction and dosage.
Many factors go into obtaining quality CBD products specifically for horses, so it might take trial and error depending on your experience or knowledge level. Even some reputable CBD companies need to have suitable applications for horses, so be sure to do your research.
When purchasing CBD products for your horse, it’s important to find out about the concentrations of each cannabinoid and their ratios and production process. Many products marketed towards horses don’t have enough CBD or THC and won’t work on your horse; you could end up making him sick. To ensure you’re buying a product that will work in your horse and won’t interfere with his enjoyment of life, you need to do some research first.
One important thing when purchasing these products is knowing about the legalities surrounding hemp and marijuana use for horses. While some states are more lenient than others, it’s always a good idea to check the laws in your state before purchasing CBD products.
It’s also important to know that hemp and marijuana are two different types of cannabis that contain different amounts of each cannabinoid; the type of hemp used for CBD products is often referred to as “industrial-grade hemp,” which contains only trace amounts of THC—typically less than 0.3%. This type is legal in all 50 states. Marijuana, on the other hand, contains higher levels of THC and isn’t legal in every state, so you need to make sure you’re purchasing a product made from industrial-grade hemp if you’re located outside of medical marijuana states or countries.
When it comes to CBD products, there are a lot of companies out there that say they’re the best or number one choice. The truth is that every horse reacts differently to CBD products, so you’ll never know unless you try. When it comes to picking out a product for your horse, it’s important to do your research and make sure you know what you’re getting into before committing to anything long-term. There are a lot of factors that go into finding the right CBD products for your horse, including the type of procedure used in production and the ratios found in each product.